Non-Scalpel Vasectomy International (NSVI) is an NGO dedicated to the promotion and provision of free vasectomy services worldwide, especially in developing countries where the infrastructure and environmental resources are challenged by rapid population growth.

With missions to the Philippines, Haiti, and Kenya, NSVI has empowered thousands of men to be agents of change within their families and communities by making permanent responsible decisions related to their fertility.

Mission to Haiti 2019 (Cap-Haitien)

In June 2018 I participated once again in a vasectomy mission with NSVI – Non-scalpel Vasectomy International to Haiti. We performed over 120 vasectomies in 3 days.

Non-Scalpel Vasectomy International – NSVI

With my mentor Doug Stein, MD (President of NSVI) in Haiti

Local physicians being trained in Haiti

With Dr. Mesadiu (local NSVI physician)

Non-Scalpel Vasectomy International – NSVI

Haiti November 2019 Mission Team

Mission to Haiti 2017 (Cap-Haitien)

Vasectomy Iowa - Esgar Guarin

Dr. Esgar Guarín and Dr. Ramón Suárez (founder and former NSVI President)

Dr. Ramón Suárez is the founding president of NSVI, a retired urologist who still maintains the passion for the performance of vasectomies and helping others.

Vasectomy Iowa Naples Esgar Guarin

from left to right: Dr. Guarín, Haitian patient after drainage of hydrocele, Dr. Ramón Suárez

Dr. Guarín became involved with NSVI since his early training in vasectomies with Dr. Doug Stein (NSVI Development Director), and since then he has participated in medical missions to Haiti, where has has been able to complete multiple procedures for free in Cap-Haitien.

The activities of NSVI provide so much benefit to the communities it has served, that its missions have increased over the years and look forward to expand even further overseas. Many vasectomy surgeons from the world over have participated in the missionary work started with so much passion by Dr. Suárez and supported so eagerly by Dr. Doug Stein.

Vasectomy Iowa Esgar Guarin

Mission trip to Cap-Haitien (Haiti) in 2017

Ixtapa, México 2018

NSVI was present also, along with World Vasecto

No scalpel Vasectomy Iowa Esgar Guarin

– with members of the Secretary of Health of Mexico, on our way to Ixtapa.

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